Friday, April 22, 2005

Tragon or Diger?

Jade Empire: Save 84 - 18H 0Min - Level 12

So I made it to the Imperial city. It's big, and pretty. And all the guards are looking for me, but they think i'm some 7 foot tall mammoth that can strike down an army in one blow. Well, I do admit I can bring an army to it's knees in one blow, but i'm about as tall as Wolverine. He's like 4 foot 7, or something like that? I've also taken Mad Kang's crazy dragonfly on a whirlwind adventure to jog his memory only to discover that his memory made some crazy device that took me to Lord Lao's heaven. Oh yeah! Giant useless machines everywhere!!! Will you choose Dragon or Tiger? After forking around with configurations I came back to the Imperial City and joined the Arena and quickly made it through the qualifiers. Humiliating Hapless Han was a pleasure, and afterwards I encouraged him to keep fighting. Why should I be the one to ruin the fun for all other up and coming contenders?

Barked by 3kalb at 1:41 PM
Give a dog a bone


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