Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bye Bye Katamari!

Namco's offical Japan website announced that the development team behind the cult hit Katamari Damacy is breaking up. According to an interview in a recent issue of Edge, series creator and director, Keita Takahashi, never wanted Katamari to turn into a franchise. He was told that publisher, Namco, was going to go ahead with sequals whether he was involved or not. He got on board for We Love Katamari, but decided not to take part in the PSP port, Me and My Katamari. Fans, like myself, will be glad to hear that Takahashi is working on a new project albeit without the Katamari gang.

Slashdot article
Gamasutra article

Barked by 3kalb at 3:44 AM
Give a dog a bone


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