Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Halo 3. 'Nuff Said.

So, true to their word Microsoft released a trailer for Halo 3 at E3 yesterday. However, it doesn't really reveal much. All you can really take from it is... a desert level, large scope to the game, and that this may be the last Halo. I also think (hope) that Master Chief has amnesia, and a broken Cortana (whom could be corrupted from all the knowledge that she holds) tries to lure him to the other side while he ventures towards a Halo that is about to be activated and obliterate Earth. That would be an interesting plot, no? Don't take my word for it. What do you think?

Bungie informs us that everything you're seeing is being rendered in real-time on the Xbox 360, using the current version of the Halo 3 game engine.


Bungie has the E3 Halo 3 announce trailer for download at their website. OR nab them here.

Barked by 3kalb at 11:34 AM
Give a dog a bone


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