Monday, April 25, 2005

Some Halo 2 for me and you

Halo 2: Xbox Live

Last night we (Annoyed Llama, Faded Joker, and I) had a pretty eventful game session. First of all we met up with our old buds Dr Wahl and DryGravyTrain for one too many counter-strike games that proved to be a bit one-sided. Mainly, because we suck. However that doesn't discourage us from playing. Ok, well sometimes it does, but not ALL the time. Then, after a game, while checking out the post-game carnage report I accidently hit the B button and logged out of Xbox Live. Joker soon followed me and Llama was left in a game with Wahl, Gravy, and Gravy's younger brother, EvenNumbers. After a few games of Skirmish Joker and I finally met back up with Llama. We played some more Skirmish games then. One in particular was a CTF 3-on-3 game on Midship against a lvl 14, 16, and something else. Mind you we're all lvl 9's and 10's. We kicked their pubeless asses; 3-0. Then afterwards they called us cheaters so we left them some happy feedback; cursing & lewdness, threats & harassment, and screaming. Awww, those lucky guys. Anyway the new maps are out now, and i'm downloading them as I type this. RAWK! More to come at a later date. (as if it could be a sooner one.)

Barked by 3kalb at 2:07 PM
Give a dog a bone


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