Tuesday, March 28, 2006

And You Thought You Were Having A Bad Day

Ok, gang crap your pants for American McGee's latest opus, BAD DAY L.A.!

It's kind of like a hip hop Disaster Report, isn't it?

Bad Day L.A.com

Barked by 3kalb at 3:13 PM
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Monday, March 27, 2006

Heartbeats Across The World

Has anyone seen the Sony Bravia commercial with all the bouncing balls? No? Oh what's that? We have a clip. Check it out.

Now check out this great Battlefield 2 parody.

P.S. If anyone is curious the song playing is Heartbeats by José González.
Bunny Hopping (Wiki)
Bunny Hopping (UK Fortress)

Barked by 3kalb at 2:13 PM
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Friday, March 24, 2006

Sponsored By The M12 LRV Warthog. The Hog.

Tired of the old mundane television talk shows with hicks, MTV, or chins hosting? Who isn't? Do you love games, and the outlets they are providing to creativity because of their rich environments and connectivity? So do I! Well, a new late night net talk show, called This Spartan Life, has emerged in gamespace. This talk show uses the Halo 2 engine to provide viewers with insightful interviews from leading heads in the games/media industry, such as Bob Stein, Peggy Ahwesh, The Ill Clan, and Marty O'Donnell. This show also highlights the latest chiptunes, is peppered with Halo geekdom and madcap chaos, and features the best virtual dance squad ever to grace gamespace, THE SOLID GOLD ELITE DANCERS!!!

Red Vs. Blue
The Strangerhood

Barked by 3kalb at 8:16 PM
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bye Bye Katamari!

Namco's offical Japan website announced that the development team behind the cult hit Katamari Damacy is breaking up. According to an interview in a recent issue of Edge, series creator and director, Keita Takahashi, never wanted Katamari to turn into a franchise. He was told that publisher, Namco, was going to go ahead with sequals whether he was involved or not. He got on board for We Love Katamari, but decided not to take part in the PSP port, Me and My Katamari. Fans, like myself, will be glad to hear that Takahashi is working on a new project albeit without the Katamari gang.

Slashdot article
Gamasutra article

Barked by 3kalb at 3:44 AM
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You Got Hack In My 360! You Got 360 In My Hack!

That's right my friends. The Xbox 360 has been hacked. A group from xboxhacker.net has bypassed the firmware of the 360 to allow it to play burnt copies of games. That's right. No mod chip needed. No hardware alteration needed. Don't believe me? Check out the lame video they made of them playing a burnt disc.

P.S. Apparently there's a firmware hack for the original Xbox too.

Slashdot article

Barked by 3kalb at 3:02 AM
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Sunday, March 12, 2006

SHH! It's A Secret

More VGVVs (Video Game Viral Videos) y'all! This time I found a couple that star our beloved white pantyhosed, sword weilding, elfish/boy/fairie hero, Link.

This one uses clips from the Legend of Zelda cartoon series to create a passable music video for Kayne West's "Gold Digger". Did I say passable? Well, It's... yeah passable. I've seen much better amateur music video attempts in my day, but this one is fairly amusing.

This next one is a live action adventure of our no pants wearing hero.

Barked by 3kalb at 2:10 PM
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Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Angriest Halo Player In The World

Ok. This may be too much video game aggression, but god damn do I hope I get to play against this kid someday. In fact, I probably already have. I give this kid about another year before he dies of a brain aneurysm. Good luck, angry gamer. Keep on "screamin' like a bitch."


Barked by 3kalb at 12:02 PM
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Give Me My Chocolate Milk

Ok, gang, time for some viral video game videos! The VVGVs, y'all! This video is fucking great. How many of you out there hate the 8-12 year olds on xbox live that take their games far too seriously? Don't we all, huh? Well, then sit back and laugh at this kid lose his shoot on his mom because she won't get him some chocolate milk.

P.S. Does anyone know what game this is?


Barked by 3kalb at 10:33 AM
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