Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Up & Comers!

Ok gameboys and gamegirls I've got a list of games that are sure to blow your mind. I received the new PC Gamer and there was a huge article of upcoming titles that will be featured @ E3. Here's a list of games I'm keeping my eyes on.
Check them out, y'all! And more in gaming news, Annoyed Llama and I got our copies of Guild Wars today and shall be posting more later. If you see us, Ekalb Egarehted the Elementalist and Annoyed Llama the Warrior, give us a /wave and say "Oi!"

Barked by 3kalb at 7:44 PM
Give a dog a bone


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey fudpucker.

Another slutty puppy here (Hauz) who wants to know how I can contribute to this wonderful blog.

April 28, 2005 10:48 AM  

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