Thursday, August 25, 2005

C n I ge a Ha o? Any ne?

Ok, so last earlier tonight Hauz, Llama, Joker and myself all got online to do some Halo. Our old buddy Scott, HP, joined us too. This is the first time we have all been able to play together. Unfortunately, it wasn't a good experience.

First of all Hauz just got his internet hooked up in his apartment and he was lagging something awful. He kept cutting in and out during everything he said and as for watching him on the screen, well, he was all over the place, literally. Then another problem was that there was 5 of us. Now, i'm not a huge fan of Rumble sessions, but we did a couple of those. Needless to say I didn't enjoy myself that much. The two Team Slayer games I played beforehand that were filled with jerkmos didn't help my disposition towards Halo either. Every asshole and their sister's boyfriend was on tonight. It made for some very unpleasant gaming, and almost drove me absolutely insane.

That's that. Also, I would like to give some honorable mentions to some Halo players out there.

double0bogart and G Flow. You guys are some great players. Easy to get along with, and aren't obsessed with rank and cursing everyone out like too many halo players are. If you see them around say YO!

Barked by 3kalb at 1:31 AM
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No F.E.A.R.

So, I did it. I bought parts to upgrade my computer. I've been working hard all summer long to afford parts to upgrade my 2ndary computer, but instead have to decided to put in some extra cash and upgrade my primary.

My previous post lists my old specs. Here's a list of the new parts I bought.

EvGa nForce 4 SLI mainboard
AMD Athlon 64 3500+, socket 939
EvGa Nvdia GeForce FX 7800 GT, 256MB DDR3, PCI-E 16X
Kingwin cpu fan
Lite-On DVD-R/W
Logitech Webcam

All my hard work this summer is right there. It should definitely kick some ass. I'll be kicking F.E.A.R.'s ass in no time. On top of that I'll be able to show up Far Cry, Half-Life 2, and Doom 3 as well.

Barked by 3kalb at 1:00 AM
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I F.E.A.R. for the worst

So, I reserved a copy of F.E.A.R. a few weeks ago. A couple of days ago the demo came out. So, I downloaded it. Now I have a fairly decent machine.

AMD Athlon 64 3400+
MSI VIA K8T800 chipset K8T Neo-FISR2 mobo
Nvidia GeForce4 Ti 4200 AGP 8X 128MB DDR
1 GB DDR (400) ram

Now, F.E.A.R. runs on the Unreal Engine 3, the same engine that powers Gears of War for the 360, I was expecting to be able to run the demo with medium performance, but NO! I can't even get the damned thing to start. It'll play through the opening movie, and then once it starts my system freezes and I have to CTRL+ALT+DEL to close the demo. GRRRR! It comes out in October and I can't even run the demo. WTF?

So, I've been saving up cash all summer to buy parts to fix my 2ndary computer. However, since F.E.A.R. has put it to my computer I've decided to ditch the 2ndary parts and concentrate on upgrading my primary. I've been looking at getting a new mobo that supports PCI Express and SLI and buying a kick ass new video card, possibly a GeForce 7800 GTX, in hopes that somewhere down the road I could add another of the same caliber for enhanced performance.

I've been looking at the parts, but I have butterflies about buying it all.

Barked by 3kalb at 2:00 PM
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Monday, August 22, 2005

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Welcome to the blog, Owl. About damned time.

Barked by 3kalb at 2:33 PM
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Got game?

Guess what, gang? I just won a bid for Gitaroo Man on ebay. $54! Practically a steal for what it's averages. So, today I've decided to put up a list of games that I plan on purchasing. Would love to hear your opinions on them.

Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 - PS2
Viewtiful Joe - PS2
Mr. Mosquito - PS2
Okami - PS2
We Love Katamari - PS2
Siren - PS2
Resident Evil 4 - GC
Pikmin 2 - GC
A Dog's Life - PS2
Play2 - PS2
Shadow of the Colossus - PS2
Killer 7 - PS2
Parappa the Rapper 2 - PS2
F.E.A.R. - PC
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - PC
Amplitude - PS2
Spore - PC
Burnout: Revenge - xbox
Gun - PC

So, what am I missing?

Barked by 3kalb at 2:35 PM
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