Thursday, August 25, 2005

C n I ge a Ha o? Any ne?

Ok, so last earlier tonight Hauz, Llama, Joker and myself all got online to do some Halo. Our old buddy Scott, HP, joined us too. This is the first time we have all been able to play together. Unfortunately, it wasn't a good experience.

First of all Hauz just got his internet hooked up in his apartment and he was lagging something awful. He kept cutting in and out during everything he said and as for watching him on the screen, well, he was all over the place, literally. Then another problem was that there was 5 of us. Now, i'm not a huge fan of Rumble sessions, but we did a couple of those. Needless to say I didn't enjoy myself that much. The two Team Slayer games I played beforehand that were filled with jerkmos didn't help my disposition towards Halo either. Every asshole and their sister's boyfriend was on tonight. It made for some very unpleasant gaming, and almost drove me absolutely insane.

That's that. Also, I would like to give some honorable mentions to some Halo players out there.

double0bogart and G Flow. You guys are some great players. Easy to get along with, and aren't obsessed with rank and cursing everyone out like too many halo players are. If you see them around say YO!

Barked by 3kalb at 1:31 AM
Give a dog a bone


Blogger 3kalb said...

Who is this choad?

August 25, 2005 4:13 AM  
Blogger 3kalb said...

Go to hell, spammers!

August 26, 2005 6:34 PM  

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