Thursday, May 26, 2005

Conflicts amongst ranks

According to an article at Megagames Bill Gates was put in his place by Robbie Bach, chief xbox officer, when Gates, in a Time magazine article, hinted that Halo 3 would be ready to release in time for the PS3 launch. My personal thoughts are that if Gates actually tries to push Halo 3 for a release in time for the PS3 he'll ruin everything and completely destroy the franchise. Hell, it took Bungie 2 years to get Halo 2 done and now they've also been working continuously with the online portion of the game. If Gates wants to give Playstation a run for their money I think they should revamp Halo 2 and include updated graphics and all of the updates and new maps in a package for Xbox 360 whenever PS3 releases. That should make things interesting.

Barked by 3kalb at 1:14 PM
Give a dog a bone


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