Saturday, May 07, 2005

Diablo 3 a.k.a. Guild Wars

Guild Wars: Elementalist/Monk 11 Ekalb Egarehted

Guild Wars, Guild Wars, Guild Wars, why can't you be more like Final Fantasy XI? Why do you have to be so buggy? Despite what you may think warping 20 feet across the map, especially during battle, is not fun. And another thing when I press the "attack" key I would like to attack every now and again not just stand around with my thumb up my butt. Now let's bitch in list form!

  • No monthly fee. That's right. You heard me. Nothing. You get to play this wonderful /cough bullshit /cough MMORPG and it won't cost you a dime but the price to buy the game. Although if there was a monthly fee I don't think anyone in their right mind, or left for that matter, would pay it to play this game.
  • The interactive map while in a party. This thing is a blast to use, and if properly utilized can help organize some fun strategic attacks. Plus it's a hoot to draw penises and smileys/frowneys on it.
  • The loads of emotes are a blast as well. We're talking games of strip paper, rock, scissors, air guitar, and my personal favorite NAKED DANCE PARTIES!!
  • No loss of experience when you die. But instead you get downed 15% on your stats until you kill monsters and bring it back up. This is a big boner, and takes awhile to get back to normality. However it is easily remedied by walking/warping into a town. Then BAM! back to normal. Eh. Whatever.
  • Switching your attribute points at any time so you can change what you're proficient in. This is fucking awesome!! I love this. If I'm tired of being a fire elementalist, at any time I could stop and switch all my earned attritube points over to water, and BLAMO! Now I'm an ice/water elementalist.
  • I can't encounter players on the battlefield? WTF?!
  • The story so far isn't very involving. I just completed a mission though. It was kind of entertaining. The quests are simply busy work that give you a nice chunk of experience. I don't even read what the NPCs tell me anymore. I simply click through it and then pull up my quest log and find out where I need to go. Ugh. How exhilarating.
  • And while we're on the missions. I can't view completed quests & missions? WTF?!
  • All of the ingame windows resize according to the bottom bar. WTF?! I'm constantly moving these stupid windows so I can see things. The interface is customizable. Meaning you can place practically everything on the HUD where ever you want it to be, but this resizing along the bottom bar shit has got to stop.
  • And while we're on the HUD. The chat window. I have to push enter before I type and enter afterwards? EVERY FUCKING TIME! No matter if I just typed something, and i'm having a conversation with someone. I know it's not a big thing, but it bugs the Bee Jesus out of me.
  • Having to deal with people to get items. Sure crafters have items, but how often do you find them? Anything good has to be found anyway. I shouldn't really bitch. Most RPGs are like that anyway. Especially MMO ones. Gives people incentive to keep fighting along. But most people in this game are dicks when it comes to selling stuff. I myself have ripped many a person off when selling items, but only because they won't even negotiate. It's their own damned fault. I mean seriously who pays 100 for common crafting materials. Poor saps.
  • No day & night? WTF?! Ok, this isn't a big one, but when I was playing Final Fantasy XI I could sit and watch the sun set if I wanted to. It was a glorious sight.
  • Voice, voice, voice. I can't emphasize this enough. I know this game doesn't have it, and I don't think any MMORPG on the market does right now, but ever since Halo 2 came out I want all my games to have voice chat and voice proximity. It's fucking genius! I know the markets and towns would get noisy, so that's when voice proximity comes in. Plus we could add filters to help cut down on all the clatter. Filters such as Public, Shout, Private, Team, and Trade (where applicable.) Llama and I use a 3rd party voice communication program called Roger Wilco to talk to each while in the game. It works out great. However, it's just him and I on it. No one else can join us, unless they have Wilco and we give them the host address to our chat session.
Well, there it is. My opinion of Guild Wars thus far, honestly, though Guild Wars is simply Diablo 3 in 3D. I've had heated converastions that have turned into dance offs and paper, rock, scissor matches over why they think it's nothing like the Diablo series. They're all idiots. However there are a few guys out there that see things my way. Glad to know I'm not the only observant one around here. I'll keep playing the Guild Wars for the time being, but before too long I may have to abandon it, especially once I cap my character's level off @ 20. WTF kind of level cap is 20 anyway? I'm already @ 11, and I've only played the game for about 2 weeks. Anywho, if you see me around Ascalon give me a /wave and challenge me to a dance off. I dare ya!

Barked by 3kalb at 5:28 AM
Give a dog a bone


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May 08, 2005 5:38 AM  

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