Saturday, May 07, 2005

Snorting Phantom Dust

Phantom Dust

Ok, so I rented Phantom Dust from Gamefly about a week ago, and I must say it caught my eye. And since the price was right, I went ahead and bought it. There's many things about this game that I like, and many things that need work. I think if it had been modified a bit here, and tuned and tweaked a bit there it could have been something spectacular. Right now it's just something different. Plus it has a post-apocolyptic setting, and that's one of my FAVORITE settings of all time!

So I told fellow Slutty Puppy, Hauz (who still hasn't signed up so he can start contributing to this wonderful blog), about my Phantom Dust purchase, and he responded with, "Eh, I'm not really into card battle games." At first I thought, "It's not a card battle game!" However, after some more consideration, I've come to discover it is a glorified card battle game with ACTION! But that doesn't mean it sucks. No sir, it's just a bit more strategic than most action games. You see you're loaded into an environment, which is fully destructable by the way, and you start out with no skills. Red spheres (attacks), blue spheres (defense), yellow spheres (special moves), and green spheres (effects, mainly power ups) appear on the map. You have to run over them and decide which ones you want. Then you assign the ability to one of your 4 buttons, X,Y,A, or B. Now you can use the ability. Some only have one use, some have infinite uses. They all cost ability points to use, and after using them your point tank refills allowing you to use more abilities. Once you have depleted the original set of abilities placed on the map. New abilities will appear in their place allowing you to change up the abilities you have. It's all random on what appears, just like how a card battle game works. The graphics aren't the greatest, but the story is kind of fun, and the atmosphere the game puts off is incredible!!! Imagine if you will The Matrix combined with the atmosphere of 12 Monkeys. Some bizarre mix like that. Plus, if you don't like the music you can customize all the levels with your own music from the xbox hard drive. I like this option, but I usually only see it utilized in racing games. By the way, if you're playing Burnout 3: Takedown The Faint's Wet From Birth was made for that game. Anyway, I'm digging on Phantom Dust. I've yet to take it Live, but I will eventually.

Barked by 3kalb at 6:03 AM
Give a dog a bone


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