Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Halo. Half the whiners. All the fun.

Halo 2 (1.1) : Xbox Live

Tonight I played some Halo for the first time in awhile. Surprisingly the games were good. Yay! Hauz, Llama, and I did some rumbles, which I shocked myself by doing surprisingly well. And here I thought I sucked. Then we moved onto Team Preview. I had low expectations for this, but wanted to dabble in it anyway. The last time I did Team Preview it was awful because the scores had just been reset and everyone was @ lvl 0. EVERYONE. You could cut the competition in the air with a knife. However we did meet a cool guy who was laid back and didn't care if we died here and there. We did fairly well. Even got to play a couple of lvls in Turf. By the end of the evening I had lvled from a 6 to a 7. So, I was fairly pleased with the experience. I'm not all about the ranks, but it is a bit satisfying to see your rank go up. Well, that's all from me. Time for some mac & cheese.

P.S. here's a little article form OXM that I find to be all but true sometimes.

Barked by 3kalb at 4:59 AM
Give a dog a bone


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