Friday, May 13, 2005

Next Xbox 360 2 One More Time!!!

Lord, oh lord. Why? Why? Did anyone watch the MTV Xbox 360 launch party and not puke? I hate these demographic promotions yet I can't stop from watching. It's like a train wreck, you just can't look away. However, this train wreck was exceptionally horrible and oh did I want to look away. I kept peering on though, hoping to see that one mangled body at the very end, and you know what? I saw it. In the form of Frodo Baggins presenting The Killers, and there was some talk about a game box or system or console or whatever it's called. The reason I was watching in the first place is because I was hoping to get a glimpse at some upcoming games and more descriptions on the hardware specs, i.e. controllers, headset, cam. Although they did show the many prototypes they went through. That was kind of cool if you can put up with MTV's directorial style of flashcuts and shaky zooms. No wonder all the kids have ADD. I know I should have just waited an hour or so and checked all the game feeds online for pictures and information that I wanted, but how often do you get to see a model stroll out on the catwalk with xbox in sidebag, and pull it out to hundreds of paid clappers? Not that often, and if I was smart not at all. Oh well. Lesson learned.

Barked by 3kalb at 10:08 AM
Give a dog a bone


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