Thursday, August 25, 2005

No F.E.A.R.

So, I did it. I bought parts to upgrade my computer. I've been working hard all summer long to afford parts to upgrade my 2ndary computer, but instead have to decided to put in some extra cash and upgrade my primary.

My previous post lists my old specs. Here's a list of the new parts I bought.

EvGa nForce 4 SLI mainboard
AMD Athlon 64 3500+, socket 939
EvGa Nvdia GeForce FX 7800 GT, 256MB DDR3, PCI-E 16X
Kingwin cpu fan
Lite-On DVD-R/W
Logitech Webcam

All my hard work this summer is right there. It should definitely kick some ass. I'll be kicking F.E.A.R.'s ass in no time. On top of that I'll be able to show up Far Cry, Half-Life 2, and Doom 3 as well.

Barked by 3kalb at 1:00 AM
Give a dog a bone


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