Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Up & Comers!

Ok gameboys and gamegirls I've got a list of games that are sure to blow your mind. I received the new PC Gamer and there was a huge article of upcoming titles that will be featured @ E3. Here's a list of games I'm keeping my eyes on.
Check them out, y'all! And more in gaming news, Annoyed Llama and I got our copies of Guild Wars today and shall be posting more later. If you see us, Ekalb Egarehted the Elementalist and Annoyed Llama the Warrior, give us a /wave and say "Oi!"

Barked by 3kalb at 7:44 PM
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Monday, April 25, 2005

Some Halo 2 for me and you

Halo 2: Xbox Live

Last night we (Annoyed Llama, Faded Joker, and I) had a pretty eventful game session. First of all we met up with our old buds Dr Wahl and DryGravyTrain for one too many counter-strike games that proved to be a bit one-sided. Mainly, because we suck. However that doesn't discourage us from playing. Ok, well sometimes it does, but not ALL the time. Then, after a game, while checking out the post-game carnage report I accidently hit the B button and logged out of Xbox Live. Joker soon followed me and Llama was left in a game with Wahl, Gravy, and Gravy's younger brother, EvenNumbers. After a few games of Skirmish Joker and I finally met back up with Llama. We played some more Skirmish games then. One in particular was a CTF 3-on-3 game on Midship against a lvl 14, 16, and something else. Mind you we're all lvl 9's and 10's. We kicked their pubeless asses; 3-0. Then afterwards they called us cheaters so we left them some happy feedback; cursing & lewdness, threats & harassment, and screaming. Awww, those lucky guys. Anyway the new maps are out now, and i'm downloading them as I type this. RAWK! More to come at a later date. (as if it could be a sooner one.)

Barked by 3kalb at 2:07 PM
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Friday, April 22, 2005

Tragon or Diger?

Jade Empire: Save 84 - 18H 0Min - Level 12

So I made it to the Imperial city. It's big, and pretty. And all the guards are looking for me, but they think i'm some 7 foot tall mammoth that can strike down an army in one blow. Well, I do admit I can bring an army to it's knees in one blow, but i'm about as tall as Wolverine. He's like 4 foot 7, or something like that? I've also taken Mad Kang's crazy dragonfly on a whirlwind adventure to jog his memory only to discover that his memory made some crazy device that took me to Lord Lao's heaven. Oh yeah! Giant useless machines everywhere!!! Will you choose Dragon or Tiger? After forking around with configurations I came back to the Imperial City and joined the Arena and quickly made it through the qualifiers. Humiliating Hapless Han was a pleasure, and afterwards I encouraged him to keep fighting. Why should I be the one to ruin the fun for all other up and coming contenders?

Barked by 3kalb at 1:41 PM
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Hydrophobic ghosts, drunks, and stupid demons, oh my!

Jade Empire: Save 66 - 12H 21Min - Level 10

Played a bit last night. Nothing too eventful. Helped a hydrophobic girl ghost skip past some water, Dispersed some drowned inmates, made a drunk face his past by watching him bury bones, then I beat the tar out of a demon only to have him join me on my quest. Why is he joining me? Well he was protecting an amulet for me, but was tricked and lost it. So what does he want to do now? That's right, protect me. Well, now I'm off to the Dam....damn.

Barked by 3kalb at 12:54 PM
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