Thursday, October 27, 2005

I'll put a cap in yo ass... a Mountain Dew cap

So, I just spent the last hour and half watching Garden State on HBO and entering about 220 Pepsi/Mountain Dew caps in for Mountain Dew's Xbox 360 promotion. I think my chances are pretty good. They have a drawing every 10 minutes until October 31st @ 11:50 PM. I entered them all into one drawing that, at the time, had 35 entries. So now it has about 250 entries, and 220 of them are mine. I'm not saying I'm going to win. However, I have been working awfully hard to get these caps. I've asked co-workers to set them aside, people that frequent work, my mom, and the biggest contributor besides myself has been my girlfriend. She's been gathering them from all of her friends. They all drink at least 1 Mountain Dew a day so it's definitely been adding up. I'll keep everyone posted on the results when they come in.

Do the Dew or live a healthy life without caffiene laced syrup!

Barked by 3kalb at 6:27 AM
Give a dog a bone


Blogger 3kalb said...

toaster, yes. tub, no.

October 27, 2005 3:23 PM  

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