Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Somebody Save Me

Ok, Ok. It's been awhile since a post so I thought I'd change that. I just got back from town and I picked up Shadow of the Colossus, and F.E.A.R. (Super Fun Happy Director DVD Cut Edition Special Widescreen Version.) I also got Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks for the xbox in from Gamefly. I've given MK:SM some play alongside Evan a.k.a. Liu Kang. From what I played I enjoyed it. Massive blood. So far this game has me more excited about Mortal Kombat than ever before, and I hate the franchise. (Street Fighter was a much better game.)

I'm not sure how much time I'll have for gaming over the next few weeks because my mom just got back from surgery (hysterectomy.) She'll be unable to do anything for about a week. So, I'll be on overtime with house duties, and with a broken dish washer that's going to eat away some time.

As soon as I get a chance I'm going to break into Shadow and F.E.A.R. though, and give MK:SM some more playtime before concluding that it's officially Kick-ass. (I spelled kick-ass with a K, just like Mortal Kombat.)

In Halo news, I played some Halo 2 the other night. First time in weeks, or so it feels like it. Double0Bogart just got his internet back after the big move back to Ohio, and we (Owl Stretcher (a.k.a. Huge McLarge), Faded Joker, and myself) celebrated the only way we know how... HARDCORE CREEK PARTY!

Which brings me to the new Hardcore playlist. WTF? It's filled with dicks (people with too much time dedicated to Halo.) They know their shit. I'll give them that, but unless you're on your game and very competitive, which I'm neither most of the time, then Hardcore isn't where the party's at. (IT'S IN THE CREEK!) Most of the Hardcore games I played were spent consistently shouting, "HARDCORE! HARDCORE! HARDCORE!"

Well, I'm out.

P.S. Anyone else out there got some gaming goodness to share?

Barked by 3kalb at 3:34 PM
Give a dog a bone


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