Monday, September 12, 2005

Something for you Squares out there

Can't get enough FFVII? Well to prime all of you for the onslaught of the revival of FFVII with Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus I found this gem at Megagames. It's an old school RPG in the vein of SNES with it's top down camera. It's Final Fantasy VII: The Dark Cloud.

FFVII: The Dark Cloud


" Final Fantasy VII:The Dark Cloud takes place two years after the much loved Playstation game. Cloud Strife has left his teammates and has shut himself off from the outside world. It seems that even though Sephiroth, the legenadery soldier was defeated, Cloud is still plagued with nightmares and visions of his former enemy.

But across the other side of the planet his former teammates decide to try and find Cloud and question him about his abrupt departure. But are the nightmares of Sephiroth just dreams, illusions or are they something more sinister? Was Sephiroth realy destroyed back in the crater? And what is the Dark Cloud?"
- Megagames

So, there you have it. It's freeware, gang. Download it! Play it! Comment on it! No, seriously. Tell me what your thoughts are, or better yet send them to creators too.

Barked by 3kalb at 5:57 AM
Give a dog a bone


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know about this sales finder website that pretty much covers sales finder related stuff.

You could by to check it out, when you get the time. They have good stuff!!

September 12, 2005 6:22 AM  
Blogger 3kalb said...


September 13, 2005 3:13 PM  

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