Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Revolution is coming! by Nintendo

Ok, has a preview video of the Nintendo Revolution controller. Now, up until now I didn't consider the Revolution to be a contender in the next-gen wars. I figured the fanboys would eat it up and pay an assload of cash for roms of their favorite classics while us computer freaks would already have them downloaded from years ago. However, now I am officially excited to see what the Revolution can do. If it promises what it implies in the trailer then the Revolution may very well revolutionize the way we play games. My official statement as of right now, having just viewed the trailer, is "I don't consider the Revolution to be fanboy fluff, and I am aching to see some games fully utilize the pontential of this incredible piece of hardware."

...and then change your pants

Barked by 3kalb at 7:29 AM
Give a dog a bone


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