Monday, October 24, 2005

Street Fightin' Man

I'm sure everyone has heard the rumors of a Halo character being an unlockable in the upcoming Dead Or Alive 4 game. No? You haven't. Well, it's true. There will be a character from the Halo-verse hiding away, waiting to be unlocked in DOA4.

When Bungie announced this they were all hush hush, and wanted to get the rumor mill started with the fans, but the character has been revealed. She (that's right SHE) isn't Cortana, and she isn't a marine. She is in fact Spartan-458, a female Spartan. She has the exact same armour as Master Chief, except there's a girl under there. Maybe one of her winning animations will pay homage to Metroid.

They claim that she flows naturally in the game. Bungie worked alongside Team Ninja to keep her true to form. Bungie also claims that even without a weapon Spartan-458's ass-kickery is very high.

Two images have been leaked onto the net. They are screenshots from a British game mag. Check them out and tell us your thoughts on Spartan-458

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

In other Bungie news, to this date they have banned 53,982 accounts, and there are about 662 active temporary suspensions at the time of this post. That's alot of jerks. Bungie claims there aren't enough banhammers dropping. Here's an idea for all you 12 y/o's out there. Stop using Halo as your refuge to get back at all the kids who poke fun of you at school. That's your problem, not mine. So, don't fuck up my good time.

Barked by 3kalb at 7:54 AM
Give a dog a bone


Blogger 3kalb said...

Oh, I know how it works


October 24, 2005 9:59 AM  

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